How to use shop in

How to add new shop

  1. Proceed to your account. You need to authorize first.
  2. Select Shops at the left menu
  3. Press Add shop button
  4. Fill out all necessary fields and press  Add shop button
  5. After successfully adding new shop there will page with its information

  6. New shop needs domain verification before you can use. Press Verify button to start the process

How to verify shop

You need to verify a new shop before you can use it.

There are two options for shop verification:

1) NS record confirmation

2) Text file confirmation

NS record confirmation

For this method you need to have access to Control Panel of your hosting.

For example, if you need to add record "shop-verification-eDR2PNkvwN" like on the screenshot you need to do following steps

1) You go to the Control Panel of your hosting provider

2) Search for DNS SERVER settings

3) There should be an option to add new DNS record

4) You add new NS record with TXT type

5) The text of new record should be the same that you see in For example "shop-verification-eDR2PNkvwN". You add this text without double quotes

6) You get back to Shops page in and press on your Shop

7) Then you press Verify button and wait

8) If your Shop was successfully verified, you will see Pending review status

Text file confirmation

This method might be easier to use because it requires access for files on your server.

1) You connect to your server using SFTP client

2) Go to the root folder of your website. For example /public_html/

3) Then you can upload verification file to this folder

4) Get back to Shops page in and press on your Shop
7) Then you press Verify button and wait
8) If your Shop was successfully verified, you will see Pending review status

If your store is not a website

If your shop is not a website, for example, you sell goods/services through Instagram or other platforms, you need to add your store and ask Support Team for its verification.

How to set up shop

You can change some parameters of you shop.

Be aware that once the shop is added, you couldn't change URLs of shop. If you need to change some URLs you can contact Support Team.

Payment methods

You can disable payment method on the Payment methods page.

API integration

On the API integration page you can checked masked API Token and find your Shop ID.

You need this parameters if you want to integrate payments into your site.

Other options

If you use Tilda platform you need to check This is Tilda shop and press Update button. It's a special option for Tilda integration.